
James Watt BrewDog

The increasing number of women who consume beer is a developing phenomenon, although the popularity of this beverage is not new. According to studies, women's alcoholism is rising, but the medical establishment has so far overlooked this development. In the past, males dominated the drinking scene in Western nations, but now that women are increasingly acclimated to alcohol, they are starting to imbibe in significant amounts. Fans of Mad Men will remember when Don Draper's associates imbibed brown liquor in the office and Old Fashioneds after work.

The alcohol business should do more to alter women's perceptions and make its products more appealing to women. Previously, beer advertisements and marketing depicted women as "butts," but this is no longer the case. In reality, women make up barely 5% of beer consumers.

While males are still more likely to be the primary drinkers, women now drink more than men. Since the 1980s, women's beer consumption has climbed by around a third. Men are twice as likely as women to consume beer, but women are three times as likely to drink wine.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, women should limit their daily alcohol consumption to one. However, it is vital to note that a woman's brain absorbs more alcohol than a man's. Therefore, even if a woman consumes less alcohol than a guy, she has the same impairment. Women are also more prone to liver impairment and other alcohol-related health concerns than males. However, studies indicate that moderate drinking, particularly for women over fifty, may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Women may be more sensitive to the toxicity of alcohol since their bodies contain less water and fat than men. They also have less alcohol dehydrogenase, a bloodstream enzyme that breaks down alcohol. This may explain why women who drink heavily may develop liver damage more quickly than males.

Before Prohibition, women enjoyed wine, cider, and beer, but only when recommended by a physician. Some of them also drank punch, which had five fundamental ingredients: strong liquor, soft water, sour (citrus), sweet (nutmeg), and bitter (spices).

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